Saturday, September 27, 2014

Through the Portal: Cover Reveal and Release Date

I’m bursting with excitement up here in British Columbia, and finally I get to share my news with you! 

The writers and bloggers at Read Write Muse are publishing our first anthology: Through the Portal. It will be released on October 7, 2014 in trade paperback and eBook. Today was the big cover reveal, and we’re so proud of it! 

The theme of our anthology is portals. Many of us have faced the portal of mortality in our family and friends' lives over the past year. We have chosen to donate part of our proceeds to a cancer related charity to honor those in our lives facing that doorway, some who have lost their battle and some who have won.

The creative minds of our Musers found many directions to explore with this motif. My own short story turned out longer than expected, and ended up as a novella: "Shadow Land Motel."

It began with a very vivid dream I had a couple years ago; so vivid that I wrote the scene down the next day. That dream turned into "Shadow Land Motel," where a mother and her young son learn that some tourist traps are literal. 

The portal experts at Read Write Muse invite you to escape into imagination through this portal story collection. 

Jump through time to new worlds, indulge in pizza, chocolate, and romance. Fight evil villains, transport with innocent souls, and glimpse into that final portal awaiting us all. 

Authors, bloggers, songwriters, and poets collaborate to bring you stories sprinkled with ethereal prose, whimsical humor, and heart pounding thrills. Through the Portal beckons you to unlock the adventure. 

Including the works of Annie Adams, Andrea Asay, J.S. Bailey, LaDonna Cole, Katie Cross, Laura Custodio, Rob Holliday, S. R. Karfelt, Kelsey Keating, D. M. Kilgore, Emily Ogle, Natalie J. Pierson, and Kimberly Robertson. 

Read Write Muse will donate $1 per book sale to a cancer related charity for one year.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ruth-Anne! I can't wait to see my name in print in an actual book!

  2. This is very exciting. It's going to be awesome, and it looks fabulous.

    I'm just finishing up my grandma's funeral, so it seems even MORE perfect to release it now. This will be the beginning of a beautiful thing.

    1. Yes it will, Katie. I'm excited to read your contribution! I'm sure it will be amazing.
